So, the big day is nearly upon us, I suspect that this year it will go with less of a bang more of a whimper; but I recently had a delivery of three cases of wine from the Sunday Times Wine Club. As a prequel we have the Winter Solstice which this year comes with the bonus of the Great Conjunction. Since early summer the gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn have been appearing to get closer to each other, of course they are actually 800 million miles apart, but on the evening of December 21st they are almost lined up, so close as to appear to appear as one. This happens to a lesser extent about every 40 years or so, but this year they will appear to be the closest they have been for 800 years. It will not happen again until March 15th. 2080, I wonder if personkind will still be here to see it?

If you want to see this phenomenon and if we are lucky enough to have clear skies, look out shortly after sunset they should appear just above the moon and can be seen with the naked eye. I don’t know if these two events coinciding are in any way portentous?

To my fellow Aquarians, an astrologer friend tells me that 2020 was not a favorable astrological climate for us, was it favorable for anyone? However, yesterday Jupiter entered Aquarius and things will start to get better for us. I always get very tired at this time of year and this year has been worse, compounded by the relentless threats and actions from Electricity North West and several UTI’s. Once we get past the Winter Solstice it should start to get better on all fronts, I am feeling better already.

When I have sold Eden Barn I will think seriously of buying a place in the sun, I am thinking Seville area but about 10km from the coast, where I can overwinter; friends and family will all be welcome to come and stay. There will not be the usual problem that many people who live abroad have, often they are still working but those who come to stay are on holiday. I will be on holiday with you.

So, once again a very merry Christmas to all my readers.