Old wive’s tales are often true but equally often a load of crap. One of them is that a lot of berries on plants and trees signal we are going to have a cold Winter. If this is true we are due an Arctic winter this year, see the picture of my Rowan tree. Some say that this happens to provide extra food for birds and help them survive. That would mean that plants somehow knew we were going to have a cold Winter and felt some responsibility to help birds to survive. As a believer in the Gaia principle I don’t dismiss this out of hand and a lot of plants need birds to spread far and wide, the birds eat the fruit and plop out the seeds elsewhere. My gooseberries have not fared so well as the Rowan tree; I thought it was about time to crop them I tasted one and they had become much less sour. A couple of days later I went out with big pan and they had all gone, every last one. I am guessing the birds must have got them, I don’t begrudge them their need is greater than mine and they can’t just go to the shop and buy some. Perhaps it is time for us all to stock up for Winter and in case there is another pandemic?