Thank you for your patience

The mast is up, for now, but there is just a possibility that I have ENW by the short and curlies. I don’t want to tempt fate by telling you how. I have thought this before but they seem to be able to ride roughshod over all the rules that everyone else has to abide by. Watch this space, if they are not prepared to reach an agreement with me the whole story and the naming and shaming will follow, nationally. The agreement will involve them buying Eden Barn and/or taking down the mast; which they have been putting up over the last few weeks despite the lockdown.

As you will have noticed I have not put any posts on here for a while. You might be forgiven for thinking that being in lockdown, I should have been more productive. The fact is that this whole mast business has taken its toll a bit. Three years of fighting a big company on my own and coming up against brick wall after brick wall. I have become very tired and lethargic, probably a bit depressed and for the last few weeks have been doing a bit of gardening but mostly sitting in the garden enjoying the sun. I am coming out of it now and yesterday started back to work on Eden Barn. Also I have been putting up a lot of notices giving this blog address as a means of reading the whole story, so I didn’t want anything to detract from that. Some of my posts are a bit controversial!!! I took some recent posts off but I will now be reinstating them and I have a few new ones in the pipeline, so thank you for patience.

Just look at that picture at the bottom of the mast is whacking great concrete plinth. how could anyone think that is in any way acceptable? it’s a disgrace. Is this what our country has come to? The company is owned by an American bank and a Japanese energy company, and people objected to us losing our sovereignty to the EU. We have actually lost it to every Tom, Dick and Harry who can afford to buy our family silver at bargain basement rates, and make obscene profits from our essential services. Our country is totally corrupt I just hope that in the post virus world people grow some balls and start to stand up to it. not being sexist these are metaphorical balls and women can have them too. I am starting a fight back and sisters are just as welcome to join me as brothers. Keep following this blog initially, then I will be starting The Alternative Party. Right on.

4 thoughts on “Thank you for your patience

    • Many thanks Keith, it was your information about electricity substations in Northern Ireland that set me on a course of research culminating in me finding some very useful information. I don’t want to tempt fate by saying what it is but I have been able to drop a bit of a bombshell and yesterday the Operations Director I have been dealing with was sacked. That alone is quite a boost for me, the old hippie anarchist has got the better of “The Man” once more.


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