I am giving up the struggle to understand Quantum Mechanics. It is beyond my comprehension, I will leave it to those smarter than I. Even Einstein refused to believe it existed. I have read, or attempted to read, several books on the subject and watched three TV programs. Don’t get me wrong it is a fascinating theory, that involves the infinitely large and the infinitely small and I wish someone could explain it to me in a way that I understand.

I have promised a friend that I will read “The Tao of Physics”, which explores links between Quantum theory and Eastern mysticism. It is sitting on my bedside table waiting, I have my suspicions that it will be another pop psychology book, but I will give it a whirl. Quantum Entanglement: things that don’t exist until they are observed, things that can react instantaneously with each other even though they are billions of light years apart. I don’t even understand the proof, which involved two radio telescopes on the island of La Palma looking at distant galaxies.

Whether it affects me or not I very probably can’t change it, I like to know how things work, but I have other fish to fry at the moment, you will notice I say other and not bigger, although perhaps bigger for me.

I need to sit down, pop a tab of LSD and think about it. I might wait till I am old before I do that. Just imagine, “I’ve seen the light, I understand, there really is a great unifying theory”, then I drop dead from the strain of it all before I have chance to tell anyone.

I first started thinking about the infinite when as a little boy my mother told me If you are a good boy you will go to heaven and live for ever and ever. Even at such a young age I knew it was crap and that heaven would get pretty crowded but thinking about living for ever and ever was quite a concept for my little brain and actually caused me quite a bit of anxiety at the time. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to live for ever and ever, perhaps that was what started me on the road to being a bad boy, but I was only bad to those in authority. If I got caught they were much worse to me than ever I was to them. That led to me finding ways of making sure I didn’t get caught. This has been useful to me throughout my life.

I have just heard that the buyer’s solicitor of one of the cottages I sold has bogged up, I don’t understand it but the Land Registry have cancelled the transfer of the title to the new owner. This the third time a solicitor has made a mistake in my property transfers; is any wonder that I think most professionals and managers are incompetent. I wish I could give up legal entanglement as well as quantum. Bye for now.


I have just been drinking champagne with my Italian friend as the clock counted down to our exit from the EU, we were celebrating our birthdays as well. Let us hope that we can lose the terms Brexiteers and Remainers; we are all Brexiteers now whether we like it or not. I have always said that it won’t make much difference to the average person either way, there are much more important things facing us. Australia burns, Asia floods and the world population continues to rise at an alarming rate. We’re out, it’s a done deal, so from that starting point we have to make the best of it, remaining is no longer an option. I am happy to say that we have given the European political establishment a bloody nose, now it is time to do the same to our own establishment.

I wonder which country is going to be the next to leave? My friend sincerely hopes it is going to be Italy, which she says has been ruined by the EU. “Darling, one of these days I will be knocking on the door of no 10 and claiming political asylum”. There are several countries within the union who have been shafted by the EU, Greece being a particular example. I would like to see us forming an alternative union starting with them. Bugger the trade deals with the EU and USA, the Italians are stylish and have good food, they enjoy life and are not grey work slaves. The Greeks have a beautiful country and enjoy life even more. I see myself living a life of pleasure in a beautiful environment, actually that’s what I do already, rather than living in a crap house with a crap job in a crap town. The glass was half full, now the glass and bottle are empty. Arrivederci.