Friday the 13th a day when bad stuff happens and lasts for five years. It was a Brexit election and reinforces the view that the majority in England and Wales want to leave the EU, or perhaps just break the deadlock. Scotland is not guilty, and I am seriously thinking about going to live there, the West coast is incredible but unfortunately has even worse weather than here and midges.  I thought that since the referendum more would now want to remain, obviously I was wrong. I think that Boris is an arsehole and the Tories are dangerous scum, but obviously I am, as usual, well out of step with the majority but I think many of them will come to regret how they voted over the next five years.

The prospect of a Tory government with a large majority for the next five years dismays me more than leaving or remaining in the EU, which as I have often said will not make that much difference to most people. Hello to more disastrous privatisation, the destruction of the NHS and the introduction of the chlorine washed chicken, GMO’s etc.

I’m alright Jack, as usual it will be the poor who suffer, and many of the idiots must have voted Tory. For those of us who are moderately to very well off it will be business as usual; there will still be Booths and Waitrose and the chickens we eat will be organic not factory-farmed and chlorine washed. We will still be eating cheeses and other produce from France and the rest of Europe, it might be a bit more expensive. All those lovely langoustines from Scotland may come here rather than the continent.

I think those who have been conned by the Tory press that leaving the EU is now just a formality are going to be disappointed. Even if we leave on January 31st there will still be a lot of negotiating to do regarding our future relationship with the EU. If we want a trade deal with them, we will still have to accept a lot of their rules and make compromises, the possibility of eventually coming out with no deal, after wasting another year or two, is still a possibility.

However, my conscience is clear, I did my best to keep the buggers out, I have not added, as far as I know, to the population problem, my carbon footprint stops when I pop my clogs, or shortly after when my body is cremated. I have shown how life could be much better for most people in my book, this blog and the Alternative party manifesto. It is there but I won’t be doing as much to help those worse off in future, they have slapped me in the face. I will concentrate mostly on getting my new build finished and sold; then I will devote whatever time I have left to enjoying myself and surviving, with my elite, if the world goes tits up in my lifetime.

Back to work on the rest of my life now.    


I am posting this on the eve of the General Election. Boris is so afraid of what is in here that he called an election before I was able to get my act together. I would welcome any enquiries from those who might want to become Alternative Party MP’s or even support us financially.

This is a new political party for all those who have lost confidence, if they ever had any, in the corrupt, incompetent and dishonest mainstream parties. If you support one of them you must accept the whole package; but as anyone with insight knows there is good and bad in both the left and the right, so why not cherry pick the best from both? And of course, all the other smaller parties. I envisage a future where the smaller parties rise in prominence to the detriment of the two main parties, it will be beneficial for nearly all of us, it has already started.

We continue to waste a huge amount of time and money on Brexit and the country is still divided approx. 50:50 between leave and remain. It is by no means the most important issue facing us and yet has caused immense damage to our social cohesion which will take years to heal if it ever does. In fact, we never surrendered our sovereignty to the EU, but now it seems if we come out, we will have to surrender it to the US, a truly frightening prospect. The Alternative Party will never allow this sort of thing to threaten our future and the EU is the lesser of two evils by a long chalk.

Probably only a small minority will agree with the Alternative Party policies, despite their common sense and logic, but if we appealed to everyone, we wouldn’t be alternative, would we? Those who do agree with us will probably come from the more intelligent section of the population and I don’t just mean university professors. There are some people in all parts of our society who think about things and question but may not have had the educational advantages: they are intelligent but not learned. There are also university professors who don’t think and question, along with all the snowflakes they teach, who “no-platform” anyone who disagrees with their narrow agenda. On the whole most people don’t like change if they are comfortable and comfort is the enemy of progress.

As a party, we are what we are, and we will never dilute or change our policies to be popular with the electorate, in fact we don’t particularly want to become a major party, it would possibly corrupt us.  Obviously, our membership and supporters will broadly agree with everything in here, but we don’t insist that you agree with everything, or the fine detail. We will be a party of individuals and free thinkers, in fact a party for those who wouldn’t normally join a party, myself included. We don’t have any confidence in mainstream politics, neither do we want to see the man or woman on the street in charge. Our policies are based on logic, common sense and fairness, not sentiment and prejudice. The lumpen proletariat are mostly lacking in insight and imagination and sometimes need to be gently pointed in the right direction, but I still want to see them treated fairly.

Democracy is a fine thing, but it needs to have intelligent, ethical and competent people in the background, steering it in the right direction. There is democracy and there is ultra-democracy, referenda fall into the latter category and should be unnecessary if politicians are doing their jobs properly. We believe in freedom, truth, justice, equality and tolerance, but we won’t tolerate intolerance. We will be an elite but not a financial or social elite. We will be alt-right, left and centre, with the emphasis on alt. It’s as simple as that really. This document should be read in conjunction with my book, “MY GENERATION: Revelations and Revolutions: Revelry and Reverie”, only available on Kindle at the moment, paperback coming, and my blog “”. I advise everyone to bypass the mainstream even if you don’t join us, but life will be much easier if there are enough of us to make a difference and we are all singing from the same song sheet.

A bit more detail but not too much we want to remain flexible.

Immigration and population.

We need to reduce the world population, it is the one problem that underpins all the other problems in the world, and most of the problems in our world. The population has more than doubled in my lifetime and is increasing by 200,000 every day, yes you did read that right EVERY DAY. There is not a single problem in the world that would not be much easier to solve if there were far fewer of us. We believe it is better to have a small population living well and in harmony with the environment and each other, than a large one merely existing and destroying both. In the developed world people are having fewer children, this is what happens with increased prosperity and is a good thing. Overbreeding is a symptom of poverty, ignorance and the suppression of women and is, very obviously, a bad thing. Without any outside influence or immigration the populations of most European countries would have been gradually decreasing over the last few decades to an eventual sustainable level.

Having said that we are not anti-immigration, cultural isolation is not a good thing, as with everything else the aim is diversity. We will encourage cultural, artistic, business, and social exchange. We will discourage the masses flying away to get drunk in the sun, but even that will be more sustainable when there are far fewer of us. People who are able to support themselves will be allowed to come here for extended periods without needing to have British citizenship. Those who want to start ethical businesses here will be welcome and could stay as long as they like and/or apply for British citizenship. People we need due to skills shortages could come here and become British citizens; but we need fruit pickers almost as much as we need doctors, nurses and scientists etc. Having said that fruit pickers are seasonal and don’t need to live here permanently, eventually this is something that could be done by our own unemployed, unskilled population, until such time as our policies mean there are no more unskilled people. Then we could all take a turn at fruit picking especially as we will only be working two days a week. There was a time when half of East London moved temporarily to Kent for the hop picking season and a good time they had too. Our citizens, from our point of view, will be free to settle wherever they want, and we will aim for a one out one in policy as far as possible.

We will also take some genuine refugees it’s just a pity there are potentially so many of them, so it would have to be limited. Those we accepted, refugees and migrants, would be expected to adapt to our way of life and sign an oath of allegiance to the UK; it will override any religious considerations. Everyone who comes here should be of use, or potential use, to us and we should be of use to them. Unfortunately, our present economic policies depend on continued growth and in order to have that we need to bring in more people all the time. Obviously, that is unsustainable, well it is obvious to me but apparently not to the decision makers. We live in a finite world and destructive humans are spreading over it like a blight. It is already far too late to save the whole population and we are seeing the start of a mass extinction that will probably happen quite fast now. However, a cull of the human population is what the world needs and we will need to be ruthless when much of the world becomes uninhabitable and millions nay billions of climate refugees try to invade Northern Europe.

Much of Europe is already destroying itself by allowing inappropriate mass immigration of so-called refugees, they are really economic migrants. Most of the genuine refugees can’t afford to pay the people smugglers. Europe doesn’t need a lot of young uneducated, unskilled African Muslim men with a bad attitude to women, and quite frankly the streets are not paved with gold for them either. There is a hope for Britain if we can take the right action now: we will start by getting rid of all the people who should not be here. I don’t mean the “Windrush generation” who have every right to be here and have been treated shamefully. I mean all the illegal immigrants who have not been deported, all those who refuse to assimilate into our way of life, call us “The Great Satan”, preach hatred against us and are trying out-breed the indigenous population into a minority. In parts of some of our cities they have already done so.

Then we will get rid of the dregs of society, our homegrown underclass, some we may be able to help to lead productive and useful lives. It’s not ALL the fault of ALL of them but some we just need to get rid of, more about who they are and how to do this in the Crime and Punishment section.

Economic Policy and Taxation.

We will have an economy that does not depend on continual growth, it should be obvious that we can’t have continual growth in a finite world. We all need to be prepared to have a more modest standard of living and less convenience than we have now, it will however be a much-enhanced QUALITY of living. We will get back to making and growing stuff and becoming self-sufficient as a country or should I say countries as I include Scotland, Wales and hopefully a united Ireland. We don’t want our future prosperity to depend on financial services which are of no use to anyone except those who get grossly inflated salaries from them.  Financial services are just the shuffling around of existing money and assets and creaming off a bit of commission on each transaction, they don’t create anything, we don’t need them, and we certainly don’t want our future prosperity to depend on them. They have threatened to relocate to other parts of Europe if we leave the EU; either way, let the buggers go and good riddance.

When we speak of the wealth of the country, we really mean the wealth of the top few percent who own nearly all of it and much of which is held in offshore accounts. Being the fifth richest country in the world means nothing to most of us, there are still people sleeping rough and one in four children live in poverty, what does that say about the morality of the very rich? Their wealth could solve all poverty and hardly be dented; it is doing no good at all out of circulation, it’s just a figure on a balance sheet. The same people also have vast holdings of land and property from which they receive rent. They are rentiers, i.e. they get money for nothing, parasites benefiting from the work of others. They are detrimental to the rest of us, also detrimental are multi-national companies that are allowed to avoid or evade paying the billions in tax they should be paying. Therefore, with us in government all companies will have to pay UK corporation tax on all the income generated in the UK and all individuals will have to pay tax on income from land, property, deposits and dividends. We will create a much-simplified tax system that will make it easier. Our present tax code is 17,000 pages long and has tripled in size since 1997. The Hong Kong tax code, widely held to be the most efficient in the world is 276 pages. Who does a complicated tax code benefit? The very rich, big companies, accountants and tax lawyers, it is just a vehicle for tax avoidance and evasion. No doubt it is tolerated by those in power because they get back handers from it, that will be stopped. There are 300 HMRC employees investigating tax evasion of an estimated £70 billion. There are 3250 investigating benefit fraud of £1.2 billion, so it’s easy to see where the priorities lie. Under a much-simplified system they will all become unnecessary.

Our new system will be simple enough so that everyone can file their own tax return and there will be no loopholes for avoidance. Everyone will pay their fair share and taxation will no longer be a game between lawyers, accountants and HMRC. If you ask an accountant what does 2+2 add up to, he will answer “what figure did you have in mind”. We will also investigate ways of simplifying the unnecessarily complex and inefficient benefits system, possibly by introducing a universal basic wage. This will be phased in without disadvantaging anyone currently on benefits and everyone entitled to benefits will continue to get them ON TIME until any new system is up and running. The way the present government have handled the introduction of Universal Credit is appalling and not helped by the privatisation of parts of the “service”, privatised staff get performance bonuses by depriving claimants of their rightful benefits. By simplifying everything the whole system will be made more efficient and we will set about removing poverty without it even costing any more to do so. Bearing in mind that probably two thirds to threequarters of all jobs are pointless and unnecessary and when everything is simplified they will be even more so, when we get rid of them everything will be less costly.

When people’s jobs started to be replaced by robots, professionals were complacent and assumed it would be manual workers who would suffer. It hasn’t worked out that way and many professional tasks are being replaced; often by information available on the internet. It is proving much easier to robotise professional tasks than many manual ones. When we have simplified everything most of them will be redundant. So, when we only have necessary jobs most people will not need to work at all, but if all the necessary work is shared out nobody will need to work more than a couple of days a week, perhaps this will create more jobs in the leisure industries. Obviously some jobs are necessary; doctors, nurses and health and social care workers, teachers and university lecturers, refuse collectors, mechanics, engineers, scientists, armed forces, drivers and transport workers for now, builders and architects, It is not an exhaustive list and my apologies if I have missed you out. The useless: bankers, most managers and the multi levels of management, financial advisors, planners, a much better job is done by architects, many other council staff who work in offices, when things have been simplified lawyers and accountants. As a guide we only need to look at how much chaos would be caused if a particular group went on strike. The more chaos the more important the job and they should be rewarded accordingly. I have previously mentioned excessive pay for managers but also overpaid are entertainers and sports people. However, they have got where they are by talent and usually hard work and risking financial loss, by not having straight careers, to follow the dream. It’s a pity that their pay and corporate entertainment at events has pushed up the cost of going to the events and gigs, but we have a choice we don’t have to go to their gigs or buy their records. What I object to are the zombies whose excessive salaries push up the cost of everything and they are usually incompetent.                                                                                                                                                                

Housing Policy

As the population falls, through a one out one in immigration policy and getting rid of all those who shouldn’t be here, there will be plenty of houses for everyone and everyone will have a right to a roof over their head. Houses will be places to live rather than investments, they will fall in value anyway when supply exceeds demand. Obviously, some desirable houses in desirable areas will still be much more valuable than the average, but so long as everyone has somewhere to live that will be entirely acceptable. We don’t want to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, such as John Betjeman’s “brick-built breeding boxes”. Most people already live in crap houses in crap towns and it would be nice if we could improve on that. We will end the right to buy policy for council houses and build some more. We will continue to make it less attractive to own private rented accommodation and any such accommodation will have to meet stiffer standards than at present, which will be enforced and the rent charged will be fair. A few years ago the government decided to let people hold buy to let property in their pension funds, then changed their minds. Allowing property would have been good for the pension fund holders but very unfair for generation rent, making them continue to pay rent and pushing up property prices to even further out of their reach, basically paying the pensions of my generation. I am sure that was not the reason for reversing the policy; more likely the government didn’t want people having control of their own money; they wanted it all controlled by banks and investment funds which levy huge charges, some of which no doubt find their way back to the said politicians in the form of back handers. This is the true trickle-down economy and everything that trickles down is absorbed long before it reaches the bottom. Increased supply (build more) and/or reduced demand (reducing population) will reduce excessive property prices until good basic housing, to rent or buy is affordable for all working people. To encourage diversity and get away from the crap estates created by big developers, we will make it much easier for individuals and small groups to build their own homes or refurbish existing houses.

The Law.

We believe in keeping everything simple, logical, common sensical and ethical, rather than reams of pointless laws and rules. Everyone will know their rights and what is expected from them but how can one be expected to comply with the law when there are several billion words of it. Lawyers over the centuries have encrypted that which was logical and common sensical, and easily understood by the layman. We then have to pay them excessive sums to translate it back into what can be understood. It would be to the advantage of everyone, except lawyers and their hangers, on if it was in plain simple English in the first place and there was a lot less of it, that would also save an awful lot of time and money. Margaret Thatcher took on the unions and ended “closed shops”, “Spanish customs” and a variety of other trade union practices what a pity she allowed the legal system, which is guilty of practices and pay the unions could only dream of, to carry on as usual.

It is enshrined in criminal law that everyone has a right to be tried by a jury of their peers and that we will keep but the whole process will be simplified and made much cheaper. Legal aid will be universal, if the government had to pay they would very rapidly reduce the salaries of judges and barristers. As the proceedings will be carried out in plain language everyone will know exactly what was going on. We will do away with the adversarial system and cases will be decided by a panel of ordinary citizens trained in jurisprudence and will be based on logic and common sense not precedent. We will keep some solicitors to represent those not capable of representing themselves, the role of solicitors will be more as advocates. The law will be simple and obvious and not in need of being translated. There will of course be a right to appeals and all proceedings including public enquiries will have to be carried out within a reasonable time frame.

There will be a bill of rights and responsibilities, it will not be more than ten pages.

Crime and Punishment.

Ideally there would only be one law; you don’t do anything that will cause harm or inconvenience to others and we will work towards that. That covers everything from using your phone in the quiet carriage to murdering someone. It will be carried out in conjunction with the bill of rights and responsibilities. There will be no prisons (universities of crime), but we will bring back transportation for serious crimes and persistent offenders. This will not be as harsh as it sounds more about it later. There will be a range of sensible non-custodial punishments and an attempt will be made to make the punishment fit the crime. If your deliberate actions, or those of your children, have affected anyone adversely you will have to make full reparation, even to the extent of having to sell your home.  In the case of those who have nothing there will be a compensation fund that will pay the victim and the miscreant will continue to be responsible to pay back the fund in full, with interest. Companies will be liable to the same treatment as individuals with senior management being responsible for the actions of their companies, they will be jointly and severally liable to make reparation as above. This will not just cover individuals who been affected by their actions but also for corporate crime such as unsafe working, causing pollution etc.

Most crime only exists because of human weakness, we will do our best to reduce it but it will probably always be there. However, drug use and addiction, which drives nearly all crime, will be treated as a health issue not a criminal one. Possession of fairly small amounts of all drugs will be legalised which will reduce most crime at a stroke. Free drugs will be given to addicts who register, but they will have to agree to be sterilised; drug addicts should not be having children. I realise that will be a step too far for most people, but it is not that onerous and will be very effective. Public information adverts (propaganda) will be used to shame and ridicule those who are anti-social and give everyone a right, even a responsibility, to tell anyone guilty of such behaviour to cease. The police will be out on the streets, on foot, preventing crime rather than sat in offices typing up reports about crimes that have happened and of which only 9% will be solved as things are now. Victims of crime will have a right to be visited by an officer within hours, for violent crime a response within minutes, just as it used to be. Clamping down on so-called low-level crime, aka zero tolerance, has been found to reduce crime all the way up the scale. It is this low-level crime that affects people’s lives more than say major frauds.

Obviously, we will do our best to rehabilitate criminals and the merely inadequate to prevent re-offending, this might initially be more expensive than just banging them up. However, if you take into account the cost of their crimes, the cost of the criminal justice system and the cost to society, it will be money well spent, not to mention the benefit to the criminals themselves. The criminals who pinch lead off a church roof cause hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage for a return of a few hundred quid at most, so of course they will have to reimburse the cost of the repairs. The average drug addict has to steal about £400,000 worth of goods every year to maintain their habit. God knows how much dick a female addict needs to take. So, if you don’t want to be burgled or have prostitutes strutting about outside your house think about what I said about drugs policy. Some Scandinavian countries have been very successful in recycling criminals to become useful members of society again. However, there will always be a hardcore who do not respond no matter how hard you try, and some whose crimes are so bad, paedophiles, rapists, child killers, that we just need to get rid of them. Then we have all the illegal immigrants who have destroyed their passports, so no one knows where to send them back to. Add to the mix all the problem families who can easily cost the taxpayer £1 million per family, per year, as well as damaging our social cohesion and themselves and their children.

Often all these groups overlap. It is tempting to think if we could just make them all disappear how much better our society would be, and how much better off we would be. All our public services would be less stressed and adequately staffed, there would be plenty of houses and income tax would be about 5p in the pound. Unfortunately, we are too squeamish to bump them off, but we could make them effectively disappear.

For the feckless families we will have last chance saloon estates, put them all together in one place, give them free drugs and alcohol. There would be no need for them to commit crime, they would effectively wall themselves in. Obviously, we will re-house anyone from those estates who wanted to be re-housed and wasn’t one of them. The problem as always is the children, long before they reach puberty most of them will be as bad as their parents. With our policies though the problem though will eventually solve itself, if the people have decent housing, plenty of food and no pressure to go to work; they won’t need to breed to get more benefits to spend on drugs and alcohol. They get free drugs so that takes criminals out of the equation, they don’t need to steal or prostitute themselves to buy drugs. Their lives would be better, they might even think about reforming, a bit of propaganda would help here. It would cost, of course, but bearing in mind the reduced crime, less need for prisons and intervention from the police, social services, courts, etc. it could actually work out cheaper. The worst ones would overindulge and shorten their lives. Personally, I would make it a condition that those who get free drugs and those who have a lot of children would be sterilised, it would make it all happen a lot quicker. In practice you would probably only need to vasectomise all the men, it wouldn’t be compulsory, just a condition of receiving free drugs and or benefits. I realise that it would be a step too far for most people, but the problems are now so desperate that we can’t afford to be squeamish, and we need to remove them from the gene pool. Eugenics was given a bad name by the Nazis but in practical terms it makes a lot of sense, it just needs to be applied to criminals and the feckless rather than racial groups. Our society would be much improved if we could breed out criminality and a predilection for addictive drugs, as these traits tend to pass on to the next generation.


For the very worst criminals, recidivists, feckless families who refuse to reform and all the illegal immigrants, I would bring back Transportation. The original Transportation of 200 years ago was harsh, but then life was much harsher for everyone in those days. However, even then many of them served their sentences, went on to become successful and helped to found great nations. We could do it more humanely now but make sure that they had to co-operate with each other and work and farm to have a better life. I am not going to work any of this out in great detail because it’s not going to happen anyway, but if those in charge suddenly realise that it is a good idea, I will be happy to advise.

Farming and Countryside.

All farming will be organic as it used to be. No GMO’s, factory farming, pesticides or chemical fertilisers. Organic is a brand now but actually it is just normal farming; the crop prairie, weed-killed, chemically fertilised, pesticided crops and genetically modified factory farmed animals are the ones that have moved away from the norm. Many would say we need that sort of farming to feed the world, bollox, we need to reduce the population and eat normal healthy food. If we take measures to allow the population to increase even further, what happens next? The population that has doubled in my lifetime and will no doubt double again in your children’s lifetime; they will be standing shoulder to shoulder eating grass and seaweed burghers if they have anything to eat at all or even water to drink. Chemical and GMO companies will own the patents to the world’s food supply and all food will be incredibly unhealthy and expensive, basically they will be Donald Ducked. Do it our way and we will gradually work back to small farms and artisan food producers selling their products in farmers markets, which everyone will have time to go to. France is a good example. There will be no overpackaging and definitely no plastic packaging. Farmland will only be owned by the farmers who farm it. They will be subsidised to manage it with the environment as the first concern. We will not do trade deals with countries whose standards are lower than ours.


We will need strong armed forces, if we don’t take drastic action to prevent climate change, and I won’t be holding my breath. Many parts of the world become even more uninhabitable there will be billions of climate refugees and we can’t take them all, no point in even trying to take any of them. They will try to invade Northern Europe which will probably be one of the last inhabited places to succumb to climate change. If it doesn’t work out that way and we are the worst affected, then WE will need to invade the places that are habitable. Fortunately, as an island nation we are in a better position than most to defend ourselves. We need boots on the ground and the means of getting them anywhere in the world. I also think we should be prepared to interfere in other countries, overthrowing or killing dictators and imposing democracy, if that is not a contradiction in terms. This should only be done to improve the lives of the people of those countries. At the moment, we support dictators and violent murderous heads of state in the pursuit our own interests. If we overthrow dictators and harsh regimes there will be no refugees; and if we improve the lives of people they will be less likely to become economic migrants. We will probably need some sort of National Service; but as people will only be working two days a week they will have plenty of time, and a dads army to patrol our coastline and call in the Navy or the Air Force to blow any invaders they spot out of the water.

Nuclear weapons: bearing in mind that they cannot be un-invented we will need to maintain an independent nuclear deterrent. It doesn’t need to be massive you only need to be able to destroy a potential aggressor once, not thousands of times over. It will be truly independent not depending on the US like the present Trident system. On an international level we will strive to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and do our utmost to keep them out of the hands of terrorists and criminals.

We are in fact at war in the present; the cold war ended and has been replaced with cyber war from the same part of the world. Rogue states (Russia) constantly trying to bring down our systems and criminals getting into them to commit cyber-crime such as ransomware. Threats to our security could even come from a solar flare, we were only days away from that in 2012, or other malfunction of the systems. We are spectacularly vulnerable due to our RELIANCE on tech; the world wide web and all the tech uses are wonderful, but we should not abdicate the need for a back-up at all times for all systems. Just imagine that all the tech suddenly became unusable, there would be no water, electricity, gas, pensions, wages and benefits being paid, no food or anything else in the shops. An alternative party government will make sure that everything will still function in the event of a system breakdown. This will be a lot easier when we have reduced the population to a sustainable level. You might want to reduce your individual vulnerability until such time as we get into power. In the second world war everyone carried a gas mask in case of a gas attack, you now need a metaphorical gas mask because you are being attacked all the time on several fronts. Personally, I am attempting to go off grid, I know several who have, you might consider it for yourself.


A lot of money will be invested in education, but it will not be about exam factories and useless degrees. In fact, it will not be about training people to become fodder for all the pointless jobs I have previously referred to. Primary education will be mostly about teaching good manners, consideration for others and the environment. Secondary education will continue with that and teach useful skills such as simple finance etc. Vocational further education will be seen as just as valid as university education and probably more useful. We won’t need lawyers and accountants we will need scientists, engineers, doctors and nurses. There is a place for academia but practical skills are just as important if not more so, in fact why not combine the two as they used to be, a good example is Leonardo Da Vinci. In medicine the original doctor, Hippocrates, “let thy food be thy medicine”. If we go back a couple of thousand years very often the smartest person in the village was the architect/ builder. People would go to him, it was always a him in those days, for advice and to settle disputes. Again I am not going to go into detail, because it will never happen.

Water, Energy, Transport and the Post Office.

All of these along with any other privatised public services will be brought back into public ownership. Every town above a certain small size will have a renationalised post office which will also double as a no-frills, non-profit making peoples bank. No need to ban other banks, the peoples bank will have savings rates higher and mortgage rates lower than the banks that need to make obscene profits for shareholders and salaries and bonuses for the top staff. As the peoples bank will only provide mortgages there could be a role for other banks to provide loans, credit cards etc. There will be a strict limit on the interest rates they are allowed to charge, in the order of 5% above base rate.

All the privatised companies can be easily taken back into public ownership for very little cost. Give the regulators some teeth and make them do their job properly, limit the profits the companies are allowed make, the dividends they are allowed to pay their shareholders and the salaries they can pay to senior management. When the time comes to renew any contract the publicly funded organisations will undercut them. If the private companies aren’t allowed to make obscene profits, they won’t be interested any way.


Last but by no means least we come to health. Obviously, we will keep the NHS and make sure it is adequately funded. We will try to make it a health service that aimed to keep people healthy rather than an illness service. We will try to make better use of the funds, no outsourcing, less management, no dangerous and ineffective drugs. We will increase the role of the nursing profession and reduce frivolous use. We will go through all the pharmaceuticals and get rid of dangerous and ineffective drugs. The governments’ own regulator, the National institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has found that only 18% of drugs are effective, so why on earth are doctors still prescribing the other 82%? We will break the unholy alliance between doctors and big pharma, I have personal experience of this, and it is rife with bribes and corruption. Again not a lot of detail because it will never happen.So why have I gone to all this trouble for something that will never happen? Well you need to know what you are aiming for, perhaps it is arrogant of me to think that I have all the answers, well so be it, I think I have and you never know. Stranger things have happened. The vested interests will fight it tooth and nail and they will continue to use propaganda in the Tory press to convince the majority that it can’t be done, it will cost too much bla, bla, bla. Where it will happen is in the communities that we set up which will be run along these lines. We don’t need the mainstream they are doomed in any case. We will survive and thrive when we have got rid of the rest of you or should I say you have got rid of yourselves?