I am beginning to feel a wee bit more optimistic about the future and the most important aspect of it; people cooperating with each other to confound “The Man”. Protest movements all over the world are winning major concessions from their governments. Much as I hate to admit it young people are making protest more efficient and effective than in my day, we were probably too stoned and they have mobile phones and the internet now, they have some uses. Here the government is having to call a moratorium on fracking and begin to take climate change more seriously. Would this have happened without protests aimed at bringing London to a standstill, of course not. Peaceful protests are just ignored; no government or big company will take action until it can be seen that the protestors mean business, especially if they have majority support. I have found this in my own battles with “The Man”, when my actions, I like to think, helped cause the sale of the company to fall through, it must have cost them millions. If they have missed the boat for the sale and get re-nationalised it will cost the owners, an American bank, tens or even hundreds of millions. Fantastic, it has certainly changed their attitude in their dealings with me from extremely aggressive to conciliatory. If anything happens to me it will probably be because they have sent a Mafia hit man to sort me out.  Regarding the country as a whole it also helps that there is an election coming up. I would like someone to explain to me why, having been told that austerity, for the poor only, was so necessary for the best part of a decade, the government can now find billions to spend on public services etc? If they can do it to win the election they could have done it years ago, especially bearing in mind all the time and money wasted on bloody Brexit. They even tried to silence Nigel Farage by twice offering him a peerage, is this a valid use of the honours system? Nearly all politicians are full of shit, despite his cuddly Boris image, Boris Johnson is the worst we have ever had. We can do better.

We also need to ready to keep up the momentum after the election. It seems quite likely that the Tories will win, and that we will come out of the EU. So, we will need to increase the pressure to make sure that they are not allowed to carry on as usual. You never know it’s just possible that Labour will win and I am in agreement with nearly all of their policies, especially returning all our infrastructure to public ownership, it should be done without compensation, they have taken more than enough out already while running down the so called services. I am deeply concerned about the prospect of a trade deal with the US and the future of the NHS in that event. I don’t see how anyone could even consider letting them loose on that when our system is so much better than theirs. We need to do away with all the previous privatisation of services, not get more. Fortunately, one thing that will quite rightly get people together is any threat to the NHS. All the privatisations NHS, energy, transport, postal services and more have been a massive failure; I have seen this from the inside myself, back in the 1980’s when I worked for the MOD and was privatised myself. I was very fortunate to be in a position to cost the MOD millions, unfortunately I didn’t see any of it but I had the satisfaction of getting my own back, big time. We are now left with “services” that are much more expensive and much less efficient. The grossly inflated salaries of the incompetent pillocks who run them and the dividends paid to the shareholders probably cost us more than the payments made to the EU.

I think the time has come that people have had enough, nobody bothered much when it was just the poor who were affected but it is now working its way up the social scale. Then we have the appalling state of the privatised industries, everything is so much worse than it was 30 years ago and yet technology should have helped to make everything more efficient. I have had time to ponder this when on several occasions I have been sat on Lancaster station at midnight, the last train has been cancelled, the waiting room closed, the toilets closed, the replacement bus service has been cancelled and station staff have been running around Lancaster hailing taxis to take people home. Even the third world is better than this. Think on and power to the people right on.  

5 thoughts on “POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

  1. I think the election result will be a lot closer than people think. I agree with your comments about BJ but I am a big supporter of Brexit and he has done more than anyone to further this. There is no way I could ever vote for Farage in a UK election and I only hope he doesn’t have a major impact on the end result, but I doubt it.
    I will, as always study both (can’t obviously vote Liberal) manifestos before deciding who I vote for.


    • But Is Boris’s deal any better than May’s deal?neither of them are real Brexit. I would rather stay in than be half in half out, with no say. I am no fan of Farage but he has probably done more than anyone to bring about Brexit, if it wasn’t for him and UKIP there wouldn’t have been a referendum in the first place, which with the benefit of hindsight and all the time and money wasted wouldn’t have been a bad thing.


      • As my MP is now speaker the people of Chorley now won’t have a vote so I’m more than a bit frustrated, but happy with the choice of speaker and smug that I will be able to say “well I didn’t vote for ***” without the get out of not voting or spoiling my ballot paper


  2. Hi John I have commented but Facebook seem to be holding my comments, I’ll keep an eye on it and if it doesn’t appear I’ll reply again Cheers Keith

    Sent from my iPhone



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