So, our next Prime Minister is about to be chosen by 160,000 Tory party members, or is he? They will choose the next leader of the Tory party, it will be Boris, that is a certainty, but will he become PM? It is not a certainty, Teresa May goes to see the Queen on Wednesday to tender her resignation. An hour later Boris goes to Buck House when the Queen will ask him if he can form a government and if he has a majority. He probably won’t have as several Tory MP’s have said they will join the Lib Dems rather than serve under him. I just wonder why anyone would want the job in the first place, it’s a poison chalice at the moment. There are those who say Boris becoming PM is a rare case of a robot being replaced by an unskilled worker. It probably means an early General Election.

Would a Labour Government be any better? Probably, re-nationalising all the privatised industries and outsourcing is a priority, privatisation has been a disaster and for that alone I would be happy to see them get in. They will be better for most of us, especially the working poor, the very well off will have to pay a bit more tax. Otherwise, they are in as much of a shambles as the Tories. There is an old anarchist saying that, no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in. However, I have a feeling that politics will change permanently and the two previous main parties will be replaced by a lot of smaller parties in coalitions and elected by proportional representation; it serves a lot of other countries well and would not be a bad thing. fffff

My Generation: Revelations and Revolutions: Revelry and Reverie: The Life of a Baby Boomer.

My book has been published at last. There are several things I am not happy about, I couldn’t find the right picture for the cover so I have gone with a plain one. It doesn’t matter as much on Kindle but when I publish as a paperback I hope to have found a better one. I thought if I don’t stop dithering and just go for it I never will, so here we have it. If you go onto the Amazon website and just put John Marrow into the search box it should come up. Now all I need is some publicity stunts to make as many people as possible aware of it.