I was thinking about dandelions today as I got back from my walk and was relaxing in the garden. Not difficult as my lawn, I dare say that some purist gardeners would call it a meadow, is covered with dandelions and daisies. What could be more boring than a pristine, prissy striped, monoculture grass lawn, a green desert bereft of diversity; add a bit of colour and interest with dandelions and daisies and make it nice and springy with a bit of moss. Even the dandelion seed pods are a thing of beauty if you look closely and what a brilliant design for propagating themselves. Go on pick them up and give them a good blow, especially if the wind is blowing towards your neighbours garden.  Dandelions are also very useful plants, not weeds as some would have us believe, they provide early food for bees, and bees need all the help they can get. We are poisoning them with our disgraceful farming methods, several species have already become extinct and if all bees become extinct we will follow them shortly after. All those urban and suburban gardens could be their saviour.

The leaves have been used as medicine by Arabian physicians since the 10th and 11th centuries and by Welsh physicians since the 13th century. They are said to purify the blood, aid digestion and prevent piles and gallstones among other things. They provide 535% of the daily requirement of vitamin K which strengthens bones and may even help fight Alzheimers by limiting neuron damage to the brain. They provide 112% of the daily requirement of vitamin A, as an antioxidant carotenoid, good for the skin, mucous membranes and vision and helps prevent lung and mouth cancers. Is that not enough? They are also said to assist with weight control and contain many other important vitamins and minerals. That is just the leaves, the root also has many useful properties and can be dried and ground to make a delicious alternative to coffee. See for more information.

So there you have it, what’s not to like? Incidentally, the main picture shows dandelion seed pods growing among chives which are also beautiful plants.