I know you are sick of the subject, so am I, but just a few words to recap. It seems to me and I have said it before that there only two realistic options, revoke article 50 and stay in for now or burn our boats and go for the no deal option ASAP. Neither of those would be the end of the world we are led to believe. If we had come out with a hard Brexit right at the beginning, we would probably have got over the worst of the ensuing chaos by now. As the country is roughly divided 50:50 over the issue we are never going to please everyone, so we need to look at it logically even though the conclusion is inevitably going to be unfair to about 50%. The only way to deliver on the results of the referendum is a hard Brexit, no pissing about we are either in or out, a compromise just gives us the worst of both worlds. In the event of a no deal exit the EU would punish us initially by making life difficult, but they would be making life difficult for themselves at the same time so I predict it would be short lived.

But, did the referendum result reflect the true wishes of the British people and were they able to make an informed decision? Probably not and I think if we were to have the referendum again the result would be different, now people have seen the reality of leaving. I am not suggesting we have another, it would divide the country even more and the result might still be inconclusive. So my suggestion is, revoke article 50 and keep the possibility of coming out for another time. In the meantime, we need to put our own house in order and get ourselves into a position where we could leave with the minimum disruption. I don’t think anyone could object to the idea of a united Europe so long as each country’s sovereignty was supreme and we got rid of all stupid rules and the incompetent overpaid bureaucrats, something we need to do at home also. Free movement of European citizens is also a good thing but it shouldn’t convey an automatic right to settle and claim benefits. The main immigration problem is all the young, uneducated, unemployable Muslim men, who think all women who are not covered in a tent are prostitutes and that being a prostitute means they have no human rights. Fortunately, although we have a problem with them it is not as bad as some of the other European countries, but plenty bad enough and an early priority should be to get rid of them. I think a lot of them must be disillusioned now in any case. I have no problem whatsoever with the educated non-European immigrants whose skills we need; they are useful to us and we are useful to them

Brexit is by no means the most important issue facing either the UK or the world when our very survival is under threat, for which we have only ourselves to blame. Neither is it the most important issue in most of our lives, my recent house sale was far more important to me and I am sure most people have similar issues in their lives. Quite frankly it isn’t going to make much difference to most people’s lives whether we are in or out of the EU, it’s just a question of whether they are being shafted by Westminster or Brussels. In fact we are all being shafted all the time by global capitalism and the influence of that colours all our lives, in a negative way, except those at the top of course. It is at the root of all the corruption and bad things in our lives; it is like a virus that has insinuated itself into to all walks of life and will be very hard to shift. I have had a wake-up call in my ongoing battle with “The Man”, and have seen just how biased are all those institutions that are supposed to be there to help the public but in fact are there to protect “The Man”. These include the police, the planning dept., the highways dept., regulators, complaints procedures and ombudsmen, try to take on a big company and you will hit a brick wall with all of them.

“The Man” was given a fright on three occasions, after WW1, afterWW2 and by my generation in the 1960’s, when their cosy club was threatened by mass movements of the people. They made some concessions but have now regrouped, incorporated some clever people, many from my generation it has to be said and are now firmly in control again. They have successfully used agit-prop in reverse to make the people fight each other rather than them. However, Brexit has exposed them again and they have seen what can happen when the people are given a voice; major miscalculation by David Cameron there. Many of the people have also realised that they are not as powerless as they thought so there is an opportunity coming for a good shake-up. The Tory party has just about destroyed itself, it is in it’s death throes and has hardly any support among young people. Not that I particularly want to see a Corbynite Labour party running things, but it could be useful for a while to shake things up and prise some of our institutions back from the claw-like grip of the Establishment. Let us hope that the people can also see just how much they are enslaved and that it doesn’t have to be that way. I predict that politics will become more fragmented with a lot of smaller parties, many single issue parties and as a result proportional representation.

For my part I have just registered the domain name my manifesto is being worked on now, it will be alt-right, left and centre, with the emphasis on alt. It’s just a pity I am not very dynamic but perhaps I can recruit some who are.

Now I have sold the first of my surplus properties, another on the way the wolf has gone from the door and I am in a much better frame of mind for the fight. Then there is the book. Sorry I promised it early in 2019. It is finished and I have even uploaded the manuscript to the publisher. Then I got paranoid about being sued so I want to read through it again and find a good picture for the cover, it will come soon.

Have a good Easter, weather forecast looks promising at the moment.