Sorry it has been a while since my last post, I am a bit stressed at the moment, I have two house sales going through and until we have exchanged contracts I will be on tenterhooks. It is a bit of a make or break situation, if one of them completes I will be much better off, if both complete I will be better off still and able to finish the new build. If both fail to complete it will be extreme austerity for yours truly for a while. Also, my fight with “The Man” is coming to a head, a showdown even. Once I can get all that crap out of the way you will be hearing a lot more from me, probably from sunny places that are connected to the internet. Well that’s the news, now to get on with the post and I promise not to mention the B word there are many more important issues than that in most of our lives, and the world come to that.

There are always conspiracies going on; these range from low level local ones through medium level, national and international right up to the theories about groups, and or individuals, controlling or attempting to control the world. I have recently been thinking about whether there is any truth in any of the latter as they have increased with the rise in popularity of social media. I used to dismiss them ALL as rubbish but increasingly I have begun to think that there may be a grain or more of truth in some of them. The vast-majority probably are rubbish and have been thought up by the deluded, by mischievous satirists and, of course, genuine conspirators seeking to hide their own conspiracy by creating a smoke screen of obviously fake ones around it. For instance, some believe that the US military deliberately feed false UFO information to UFO anoraks so that when the watchers see UFO’s in the sky they are think they are extra-terrestrial in origin rather than experimental military hardware. Please bear in mind that a UFO is just that, a flying object that can’t be identified, the acronym has become synonymous with flying saucers, so the US military have been successful in their deception. Even the physical appearance of aliens is usually depicted by the alleged aliens in the Roswell incident dating back to 1947. However, it is not my policy to believe in anything that cannot be proved or to dismiss anything, however unlikely, out of hand. But I think it is very unlikely that the moon landings were filmed on a sound stage in Hollywood or that 9/11 was a CIA plot and didn’t involve terrorists flying aircraft into the World Trade Centre.

On a more mundane level we have the local ones, a good example is Estate Agents conspiring with Property Developers to sell properties for less than their true value, for a backhander. This happens most often with cheaper properties where someone has died. The inheritors who probably live miles away just want to get rid with the minimum hassle, so they put it in the hands of a local estate agent.  I have personal experience of this. I was looking for a “doer upper” in Morecambe and happened to be looking in an Estate Agents window when they put in a card for a new on the market property. I thought it had potential, so I went in.

 “Sorry that one’s been sold” they said, “but you’ve just put the card in the window”, “yes, we have to do that”, “but I might be prepared to make a better offer”, “it’s been taken off the market”, “what is the offer”, “sorry we are not at liberty to say”.

This happened in Grange but in this case the vendor lived next door, it was a barn in Flookburgh used as an electrician’s headquarters. It had also just gone in the window and I offered the asking price on the spot, which took the estate agent by surprise. It had obvious potential and I got planning permission to convert to a dwelling and resold it; £70k profit without lifting a finger and that was a long time ago. The estate agent has been very funny with me ever since and when I was selling 2 cottages he came to value and valued them at £50k less than everybody else.

Similar situations happened too many times for it to be a one off. Very often the local Masons are involved in such activities and others, such as contentious planning permissions being granted, contracts being awarded and minor crimes being overlooked by the Police who are riddled with Masons, I have first-hand experience of that too. In fact, the Masonic Brotherhood are closely intertwined with conspiracy all the way up the scale, and there are even those who think they are controlling the world from behind the scenes. I think that is a bit fanciful, but it has to be said that many of the rich and powerful are Masons and in a position to influence events and government decisions.

So, what other conspiracies do I think have some credibility? Certainly, almost anything involving large sums of money. Then there is no doubt that most vaccines, pharmaceuticals, fluoride added to water supplies, GM foods, processed food and additives to food, cosmetics, cleaning materials etc. are harmful to our health, and the environment. But is the promotion of them a deliberate policy by the government or others? I think in the US, where all these things are much worse than here, it could well be. The elected government is heavily manipulated by powerful lobbyists and the CIA have a long record of dirty covert ops. many against US citizens. Here, and again more so in the US, among the worst culprits are the pharmaceutical companies who use bad science and bribery and corruption to persuade doctors to get as many people as possible on expensive drugs and vaccinations, even though most of them are dangerous and ineffective. In the US, pharmaceuticals are the most advertised products on television and viewers are exhorted to demand prescriptions for particular drugs from their physicians. The profits are astronomical and the cost of any drug in the US is many times what the same drug costs in any other country.

The main function of these drugs, apart from lining the packets of the drug companies and their share-holders, and bearing in mind that they are totally devoid of any morality or scruple, is the maintenance of illness; something that actually-cured patients would be less profitable. Don’t traumatize them by even mentioning anything natural that people have been using effectively for thousands of years, no profit at all in that; get them all banned and if already illegal keep them that way. Yet the fact is that prescription drugs, despite their purity, kill more people than illegal drugs and keep many more in a twilight state of ill health. But is it a conspiracy? Of course it is; pharma companies conspire to manipulate scientists and doctors who in turn conspire to manipulate the media and government. At the bottom of the pyramid are the poor patients, who are manipulated into thinking they are also beneficiaries; it is a win/win situation, most of the protagonists get good salaries and some get very rich.

Then we have the companies who create and promote genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), fortunately banned in Europe but widespread in the US. The now discredited TTIP trade agreement could have led to this filth coming to Europe, post B***** (I promised) trade deals could do the same for the UK. The companies that produce GMO’s tell us they will be necessary to feed the world as the population increases, that is bollox. Their agenda is food that can be patented and as they hold all the patents, they will be able to control the whole worlds food supply. No crops have yet been produced this way that have higher yields than those that nature intended, they are however incredibly dangerous to the environment and to those who consume them. The only “advance” they have managed to create is to produce crops that are very resistant to weed-killer, the same companies also produce the weed-killer, surprise, surprise, it also kills and maims farmers and those who eat the crops. But is it a conspiracy? Again yes, it is a conspiracy between those who have the money, those who depend on them for their income and those who profit from all the corruption along the way. Both pharmaceuticals and GMO’s have a history of being the cause of spectacular corruption and bad science, but don’t take my word for it. Read “Bad Pharma” by Ben Goldacre and “Altered Genes, Twisted Truth” by Steven Druker; google them first, your life could literally depend on it, reading them that is not googling them. In the interests of balance, I must say that there is just as much bad science in the alternative medicine side of things. Basically, there is corruption and often conspiracy in anything where money is involved; “the love of money is the root of all evil”. Furthermore, there is also considerable corruption and conspiracy in most of the bodies that control international level events such as the Olympics, athletics, football, motor racing, music classical and popular , even the World Health Organisation, UNESCO, major charities and aid agencies. At the top of list we again find the banks, International Monetry Fund, European Reserve Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank in the US and even our own cherished Bank of England; none of them are subject to government control. Then there are all the development agencies, disaster relief and organisations of that kind, the list goes on, in fact examine just about any large organization and below the surface will be corruption and usually conspiracy. It is nearly always about money and the continual transfer of money from the poor and the moderately well off to the very rich or those on the way to becoming very rich.  

So, there is conspiracy here but is it just conspiracy to make money or is there an even more sinister motive? Regarding food and drugs people are allowed, even encouraged to take things that are so obviously wrong; and yet governments make illegal and scientists discredit, anything natural and therefore not patentable, so I think it is entirely obvious. Vested interests are behind it all, assisted by governments, consisting of politicians who are so weak and or corrupt that they allow it to happen. This not just the Tories, Labour have had their fair share of corruption scandals and there are those whose agenda is Marxist which is probably just as bad. Eventually it becomes the norm. But is there a secret society, possibly aliens, who wear funny robes and control the world from some remote mountain top retreat in Tibet? I think it is more likely to be men in suits in the boardrooms of multi-national companies, but you never know. This is the problem today we have access to and are bombarded with so much information that it just makes it more difficult to know what is truth? and what is fiction?  individually we just don’t have time to investigate them all. There was a study on smoking and health back in the sixties, just as we were becoming aware of the dangers of tobacco, which found that smoking was beneficial to health, it was of course funded by the tobacco industry. My parents had some friends, a couple, both heavy smokers, and when menthol cigarettes started to be advertised on TV they were convinced that they were much safer than ordinary cigs. They both had terrible coughs and died young. That’s why when I start my alternative foundation and if it gets big enough, I intend to have a research group that will do just that. There will be no corruption or bad science as it will not be funded by vested interests, only those who have an interest in the truth.

There are those who think that all these vaccinations, drugs, crap in food and other products, media dumbing down and even the education system are all part of a deliberate plot to keep the population dumb and docile. That is certainly what has happened, but my own gut feeling is that it has just come about, as a result of many factors and is not a deliberate policy, not here and not by the UK government anyway. Although I wouldn’t rule out shadowy individuals and groups manipulating everything covertly.

I have been involved in several cases where “independent professional opinions” were sought from “experts”. In every case their supposedly unbiased “professional opinion” supported the case of whoever was paying the bill; “whoever pays the piper calls the tune”. In my ongoing battle with Electricity North West and other experiences of fighting “The Man”, I have noticed that all those public bodies that we all pay for to protect us, will bend over backwards to protect the interests of big companies rather than the public who they should be protecting and who pay their salaries. I have been let down by the Police, the Planning Dept., the Highways Agency, the Land Registry and all of their complaints procedures. Then we come to the Ombudsman or men, they are a shower of incompetent rubber stampers, “sorry nothing we can do”. This is the response from the Energy Ombudsman and the Local Government Ombudsman (3 complaints); I remember several years ago I had a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman about a mis-sold endowment policy. No case to answer they said, just as well I didn’t accept that ruling because when I insisted on having my case reviewed it was overturned and I was awarded £12,000, not even an apology of course. So never give up. I get a regular email from the Local Government Ombudsman listing all the cases and the outcomes. Looking through I was horrified but not surprised to find that hardly any of the complaints were upheld, and of those that were the remedy was a payment of a couple of hundred pounds. Independent, my arse, they are just another branch of local Councils, who are just another branch of “The Man”. If ever my organization gets enough clout, haven’t started it yet, they will all get a bloody rude awakening.

However, there is another conspiracy theory that I think does have a lot of credibility. There is a very large and wealthy US charitable foundation which appears to do good work by the mass vaccination of poor African people against infectious diseases. However, most of these vaccines have extra ingredients that cause spontaneous abortion and infertility in young women. Americans have completely fucked up their own country with the gross overconsumption of natural resources, even water. Given their moral bankruptcy, despite all the religion, I think it is quite possible that a secret group of wealthy and powerful, CEO’s, individuals, government officials and/or un-officials, are experimenting with de-populating Africa with a view to colonization. Bill Gates, the chairman and sponsor has alluded to it in speeches. You could not find a better vehicle for doing this than vaccination programs especially ones that appeared to the majority to be such a philanthropic gesture to help poor people. You might think that as I am always banging on about overpopulation, I would be in favour of that, but as the average American consumes about 300 times as much as the average rural African, nothing could be further from the truth. It is the wealthy and the up and coming wealthy countries that we need to de-populate first, to be effective. Starting with the US, China, the Indian sub-continent, Russia and then Europe. Unfortunately, short of these countries having an all-out nuclear war with each other this is unlikely to happen.

The vast-majority of people are undoubtedly manipulated, by a very small minority of rich and powerful individuals, and there is one category, already mentioned, probably the most dangerous of the lot, I am of course referring to bankers. We know that they conspire to manipulate financial markets, they have been caught and fined for doing so. My investigation of banking is still ongoing, but it would appear that the Rothschild banking family are by far the richest family in the world and control the central banks of nearly every country in the world, including the Federal Reserve Bank in the US and the Bank of England. As I said I am still investigating banking, so I am not offering that information here as an indisputable fact. However, one fact is indisputable, over the centuries banks have made much of their money by financing wars, which they have often been instrumental in starting. They invariably finance both sides, with interest of course, and it was only a few years ago that we eventually paid off the last instalment of our war loan for the second world war to American banks. If there were no banks there would be no wars. So, what exactly do banks do that seems to be considered so important to our economy and is there a better way of doing it? Banks look after our money for us and pay us interest, at the moment this is usually less than 1%. But now they have a big pot of our money they lend it back to us and charge us interest at anything between about 4.5% and 15% they also provide instant credit in the form of credit cards where the interest rate is between 15% to 35% or even more. It’s not really fair is it? Perhaps we should be grateful, the “Payday Loans” companies have interest rates of hundreds and even thousands of percent. Why on earth they are allowed to get away with it I could never understand; it used to be called “usury” and usurers would be put in the stocks or worse. Not a lot of people know this, but the Greek debt started out as a five thousand euro loan from Wonga. Banks, still not content with all the money they make in interest also sell us financial services, investment products, mortgages, pensions, insurances and more. These are either provided by associated companies or the banks are paid commission.

Nothing is actually being produced, they are just shuffling our money around and creaming a bit off from each transaction, perhaps a small percentage of those commissions will eventually trickle down into the economy as a whole. However, on the whole most of the money owned by banks and the very rich is locked away and never finds its way into the general economy. It has been estimated that about 25% of that money would be enough to put a roof over the head and feed the entire poverty-stricken populations of the world. Social security and having enough money to live reasonably well is a precursor to people reproducing less. It is usually poverty assisted by religion that causes people to have big families and it is a vicious circle.

If individuals or small businesses want to borrow money from a bank they have to jump through hoops to prove that they can afford to pay it back and usually have to provide security as well. Many perfectly viable businesses have had their loans called in and have had to be sold at knockdown prices, sometimes to a subsidiary of the bank; that was definitely a conspiracy RBS! Unfortunately, the banks themselves are not so careful with our money, they basically gamble with it on the markets and invest it in evermore labyrinthine derivatives. As we saw recently, they got it spectacularly wrong and had to be bailed out by the government, again with our money. I find it hard to believe that a Labour government, containing socialists who have supposedly been waiting since the time of Carl Marx for a crisis of capitalism would waste the opportunity when it finally happened on their watch. I think the inescapable conclusion must be that there is a conspiracy or conspiracies between bankers and governments of all shades. So, can we do it better? All that most of us need is a bank that will lend us money at a reasonable rate of interest when we need it and pay us a reasonable rate on our savings when we are flush. This could be a state owned non-profit-making, bank that charged say 4% for mortgages, and quite frankly we should not borrow for any other purpose and paid say 3% on savings; the difference to cover admin costs. Is that so unreasonable?

We also need a new economic strategy which does not depend on continual growth; perhaps leaving the EU (sorry I said I wouldn’t mention it) could be an opportunity to do this, but I won’t be holding my breath. There is a tacit conspiracy among the leaders of big business to keep on pushing for growth and trying to make us panic about leaving the single market. But who actually benefits from the single market? Not the man or woman on the Clapham omnibus who is driven by advertising and peer pressure to buy a lot of crap that he or she does not need and can’t really afford. Then the bank steps in with a loan or credit card which makes whatever they buy even more expensive. The only beneficiaries are the management of big business and their shareholders, the bankers who skim off a “commission” from everything and the well-paid members of the Establishment who make sure that the status quo is maintained. The desirable goods that we all have to own are mostly made in sweat shops in the “developing” world by slave labour. If we all lived within our means and a bit more simply most of us would be happier. Let big business and the banks re-locate elsewhere in the world. What we need in the UK is more small business and to become self-sufficient especially in food; let’s get back to how we were when all food was organic and grown and raised on small farms not in factories. Maybe not as “efficient” but certainly tastier and better for you.

If our streets were not seen to be paved with gold we would be less of a target for economic migrants, many of those already here would drift away and we would be less overcrowded. Property prices would drop to an affordable level and everyone would be able to buy. A lower value pound and low interest rates would also make us less of a target for speculators and traders who create nothing. Sorry this is supposed to be about conspiracies, I am drifting off-piste again and I haven’t really come to any concrete conclusion about conspiracies. I will just have ask for your patience; my organization, when it gets off the ground, will go through them all one by one, if any of you have any reliable information please share it. Meanwhile don’t believe everything you read on FB but don’t dismiss it either. There is probably no one controlling the whole world, perhaps it would be better if there was, but there are groups and individuals, at all levels, who come together and exert influence and pressure to achieve a desired outcome for themselves and that is conspiracy. It may well be that in the fullness of time I will be involved in a beneficial one myself!

Sorry I have gone on a bit, as usual, when I started this site I was intending to use it to put on some amusing posts but there is not much to laugh about at the moment.  


Chris Grayling is the absolute epitome of the grey, corporate, incompetent, grossly overpaid management that are destroying our country. He has a supercilious expression and a massive sense of entitlement, I have no doubt that he even regards himself as underpaid. The unfortunate thing is that there are thousands more just like him. They not only cost us billions for their salaries, but you can probably multiply that by hundreds of times for the cost of their incompetence. £33 million to shipping companies with no ships? you couldn’t make it up. Then there is blight on our lives caused by big companies; they have web sites with all manner of virtuous claims about their environmental concerns and corporate responsibility, it is all total bollox. All they care about is profits and all the management of them care about are their salaries and bonuses. Most of what they do wrong they try to cover up, but if caught out they offer bland meaningless statements; they should be relentlessly questioned on TV until they tell the truth. If all companies were made to abide by the claims they make the world would at once be a better place.

Chris Greyman is even trying to tell Londoners that a third runway at Heathrow will not lead to any more noise nuisance, having sat for months on a report to the contrary. I am up against one of these companies myself. This is what they profess, “ENWL has previously received complaints from local residents (me) regarding parking and turning in the roadway and we take these complaints, together with issues of relations with neighbouring property owners (me) and highway safety, extremely seriously in our role as a statutory provider of electricity”. The reality is that a couple of years later they are trying to put up a 50 foot communications mast almost touching one of my properties, in a Conservation Area, in breach of a covenant, without any consultation or even telling anyone, without getting a Party Wall Agreement, a legal requirement, and with no intention of paying any compensation. By their own admission they already have grossly inadequate parking space and this development will reduce what little they have by about 50% and lead to even more nuisance to local residents and danger to the many users of the public footpath. Despite them threatening me with legal action, a sure sign that they are on the back foot, I will be doing my utmost to prevent them and when the time comes to destroy their reputation if they have any.

What makes all these things even worse is that the public organisations, Planning Dept., Highways Dept., Ombudsmen etc. seem to go out of their way to protect the interests of these companies, rather than the ratepayers and taxpayers they should be trying to protect. Quite frankly I find it a bit depressing to have to share the world with these arseholes and the apathetic masses that allow them to get away with it.

I am happy to say that in my fights with “The Man” so far, I have always won the important ones, and in one case cost the MOD millions, although unfortunately I didn’t see much of it. It is immensely satisfying to use all their own rules and bureaucracy against them. There is information about how to do this in my book, which although 99% finished is slightly delayed: I am busy with other stuff at the moment and I would like to read through it again to make sure there is nothing in there that could get me sued. 

Viva le Revolution.