No need for me to tell you that we have a useless PM, she would probably do better as a choreographer than a PM and that is saying something. How is it that the nearly the whole world ends up with useless and or corrupt politicians? As usual America Trumps everyone else with the most useless of the lot and a danger to the world at that. A lot of people, me included will be heaving a sigh of relief when his term is up, if we are still alive. Regarding our own PM, the former PM of Sweden, Carl Bildt, recently tweeted, “this used to be the nation providing leadership to the world. Now it can’t even provide leadership to itself”. Two thousand years of civilization are these people the best we can come up with.

Now we are told we’ve all done jolly well and now we can ditch austerity, that’s interesting, are we any less in debt than we were before? Are we not going to need to find more money, at least in the short term, to pay for Brexit? Where is the money going to come from for all this increased funding of the NHS and the armed forces? Not that I am saying we shouldn’t ditch austerity I just wonder what has changed that we can afford to do it now when we have been told we couldn’t afford it for the last 10 yrs. Nothing to do with the increasing unpopularity of the Tories of course.

Then we have Brexit, when you greet a French person you are supposed to kiss them on both cheeks, our Brexit team are kissing them on all four cheeks and the rest of the EU, not to mention the DUP loonies. With both our “special relationship” with the US and the post Brexit one we are trying to foster with the EU, we have been reduced to quadruple cheek kissing. Whatever happened to the spirit that enabled us to build an Empire; not that I want us to build another Empire, but neither do I want us to be the arse-kissers of the world.

We are told that we can’t cherry pick and every country in the EU has to take the bad with the good. I could never understand why there is a need to have any bad in the first place. I am a great believer in cherry picking, I have been doing it all my life including cherry picking the best from capitalism along with the best from socialism, pity I am still waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Have some pride, never know-tow and don’t follow leaders.

may dancing



Its finally finished, for about the last three weeks I have been sat at the computer every day to tie up all the loose ends. It will now be going to my friend for editing and proof reading and to selected people in its raw state for their opinions. If you would like to be one of them let me know. I hope it has been worth it. I am sharing an excerpt with you, this is just a small part of Chapter Eleven, The Meaning of Life.


“Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man”. Albert Einstein.

Why are we here? My theory is that our natural state is disembodiment we are just an intelligence or soul, no physical body, and I think that in that state we can either travel instantaneously to anywhere in the universe or we exist in all the universe at the same time. This is born out by quantum theory, in as much as I understand it, not very much, and the force of gravity which acts simultaneously in the whole universe. For some reason the physical universe, including our earth, was created so that we could experience physical bodies. Is this just for entertainment or is there some greater purpose, and if so what? If there is reincarnation, and we come back do we progress or regress with each reincarnation and in what way? Is it some kind of test? If it was just entertainment and one had a choice would anyone want to come here as say a dweller in the slums of Mumbai? Perhaps we all have to go through different experiences as part of our spiritual development. Does what we do on earth have any bearing on the overall scheme of things? Perhaps we are in a loop and we created ourselves? Do we ALL have souls? I very much doubt it. Perhaps we are just part of an experiment and a planet or planets have been seeded with us to see what happens. Will we make things better or worse? If we are being tested, then we have failed spectacularly. I am sorry that this paragraph is so full of question marks, I wish I could give you the answers but only religion claims to do that, and they are usually wrong, just like all the “experts” who pontificate in our daily lives.

Carrying on from the previous paragraph it led me to think about cyberspace, and I had a “road to Damascus” moment. Why are we moving everything so fast into cyberspace? it’s startlingly obvious, we have run out of physical space, there is nowhere else to go, physical space is finite, cyberspace is infinite. Perhaps it is even the next stage of evolution. We have built robots, in our imagination they are often humanoid, or they are machines building cars, hoovering and cutting grass. We think about artificial intelligence and possible threats from it, and machines taking over and deciding we are surplus to requirements. I don’t think we are there yet, what we have so far all has to be programmed by us. Our limited imaginations only think of these things in terms of what we have already created, machines for our own use with moving parts, and intelligence depending on electronic circuitry. What if there is actually a pure original intelligence that is not dependent on anything external for its survival? In that case perhaps we, and all the flora and fauna in the world are the robots, self-replicating soft machines?

I would just like to say something about the paranormal, the supernatural, alien abduction, the Bermuda triangle etc. all of these have their adherents in much the same way as religion. When I was young there were many who would rubbish religion and yet were prepared to have blind faith in all kinds if codswallop just because it was alternative. By all means keep an open mind, but don’t rush to believe in the latest trend and always remember there are a lot of charlatans out there, in both the straight world and the alternative world. I have an interest in shamanism and would love to go to the jungles of Peru and take ayahuasca. I probably never will, not in in this incarnation, I am a bit too old and fearful now. I have become comfortable and comfort is the enemy of progress. I think at my age and having spent much of my life outside my comfort zone I am entitled to now rest on my laurels and only seek pleasurable experiences, but don’t let me stop you. Ayahuasca is one for the fuck-it list; some people have a bucket list, I have a fuck-it list. If I haven’t done it by now I probably never will, so fuck it.

If we accept the Gaia hypothesis, which I have a lot of time for, then what we think of as earth spirits, ghosts, fairies, etc. could be part of the systems that control the planet. If you see them at all you will see them in your own way. Are they real? if they are real to you then they are real. I think they may be part of the fabric of our world. I have experienced many strange things myself and not always when I have been high, including ghosts, earth spirits and other phenomena, they seemed very real to me. What people see in visions is relevant to the age they live in, and this suggests that how you visualise things is in your head and to an extent you see what you want to see. Pareidolia, a word from the Greek meaning faulty image; seeing meaningful shapes where none exist, such as the face of Christ on a piece of toast could also be an explanation for some of these visions. In bygone times when religion was more at the forefront people saw visions of angels. In a more scientific age and since the dawn of powered flight people saw UFO’s, and claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Paranoid America in the 1950s was worried about communism and many of the films of the day saw alien beings insinuating themselves into our society with a view to taking over. Nowadays many films are about runaway technology, out of control androids, environmental disasters often leading to a zombie apocalypse, artificial intelligence taking over and these are are real possibilities.

So, I am sorry I can’t give you a definitive answer to the question, “what is the meaning of life”? I don’t know any more than you do, but I have probably thought about it a bit more. Hopefully, I have given you some food for thought. If you find out anything, please let me know.