My humble apologies, the call of the corkscrew and my bath filling up led me to miss out the main thing that keeps me sane, which is my wonderful family and friends. Also, the person who would normally have been at my side, well actually disappearing into the mist ahead.

I like walking with others and I like the solitude of walking alone, always have done, both have their place and I wouldn’t want to do without either. It’s a bit like asking if I prefer red or white wine, I like both and unless I have to make a choice would prefer to keep it that way. I am now bathed, fed and watered and back in my comfort zone. I ignored my own rule, “there are only two ways to do anything, quickly and properly”. Love you all.



Set off for a walk today. Weather reasonable. Within 100m of the top it pissed down. Didn’t hang around. Got nearly down to the bottom on the other side of the hill and it started to clear. At least I didn’t get wet, as someone once said there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad equipment. Personally, I prefer a bit of sun. Picture taken on the way down; where was I?

It is good to be able to get up on the fells, only thing that keeps me sane actually, apart from wine and beer, away from all the assholes down below. I feel incredibly lucky to have all this on my doorstep and the time to enjoy it. Retirement is definitely the best job I have ever had. Now for a hot bath and then corkscrew time.


I love our world, but I am fed up with the way it has become an overcrowded, cesspit of pollution, corruption, waste and inequality. Most people’s lives are controlled by overpaid incompetents, and the economy works for the benefit of the very people who are the polar opposite of those who should benefit. Probably about 80% of jobs are unproductive and unnecessary, if everything worked efficiently and the benefits of what was produced were shared out how they should be, no one would need to work more than a couple of days a week. There would be no poverty and we would all be much happier, and yes, I do dare to suggest that we should all be entitled to be happy, which is not the same as having a high standard of living.

Supposedly, the UK is the 5th richest economy in the world and yet we have people sleeping rough on the streets, what does that say about our moral compass? We have people on zero hours contracts, doing crap jobs for the minimum wage. We have generation rent who cannot afford to get on the ladder to buying their own house, which should be an automatic right for everyone who is prepared to contribute to the wealth of the country. These things should be unthinkable. All that wealth from our economy is going to a very small number of individuals, to companies that avoid or evade taxes and to all those who are over-rewarded for supporting the system, senior management, bankers, accountants, many politicians, senior civil servants and lawyers. Things are worse still, in many cases very much worse, in most other parts of the world. Probably about 90% of the world population would prefer to live in Western Europe, much as I feel sorry for them we can’t take them all in. The sheer numbers coming already are killing the goose that lays their golden eggs. There are a lot of disillusioned economic migrants; then they turn on us as though it is our fault! We didn’t ask them to come! Well, we did some of them, but not the ones causing the problems.

We now have access to unprecedented amounts of information but much of it is untrue and in any case we are drowning in it. We are exhorted to get excited about trivia and matters that are not that important, while the real threats to our future and way of life are ignored and even encouraged. The two main ones being overpopulation and inappropriate immigration the latter a consequence of the former, and likely to get much worse.

I am writing this from the perspective of the British Isles, Western Europe and Scandinavia. Things are much worse here than they need to be. We have had a few revolutionary moments in our history when things have improved for the majority. But what we need now is a continual revolution leading to a complete overthrow of “the establishment”. I dealt with revolutions in more detail in my blog post on the 19th June 2017, which in turn was taken from my forthcoming book. My generation gave “the establishment” a few shocks but they have since regained the upper hand, and I have to say many of my generation sold out and are now the establishment themselves. People have become inured to this status quo and have been manipulated into thinking that there is no alternative. I can remember chanting at demos in the 1970’s “the people united will never be defeated”, but we got the tense wrong, change will to would. The people will probably never be united and the means of keeping them that way are now much more scientific and sophisticated.

We have a benefits system, but one that encourages idleness and fecklessness and yet deprives those who actually need help and should be helped. It encourages the people who shouldn’t be breeding at all to have child after child. As usual it is those in the middle who pay for it all through taxes. Most of the money we pay in tax is wasted and much of the public sector is now staffed by private contractors, who make vast amounts of cash, the companies not the workers, for providing an inferior “service”. In the workplace most of the workers know how things could be done more efficiently in their own line of work, usually get rid of most of the managers and give them a bit more responsibility. Unfortunately, the people who do the work are never asked, they are told what to do by some clueless “jobsworth” with an MBA.

In practice we all want pretty much the same things in life; good health, a secure roof over our heads, enough to eat and the time and money to pursue happiness. All that differs is the opinions of how to bring it about. Despite all the promises over the years from the left and the right nothing much has improved for the majority. Things did get slowly but steadily better following the introduction of the welfare state, probably helped along by my revolting generation, who were the first to benefit from it, but they are now going rapidly downhill again.

So, who’s to blame? Let us be under no illusion about that, we all are for letting them get away with it, there is no excuse there are thousands of us for each one of them and we could soon wrest control from them. If only we were united we wouldn’t need to man the barricades, we could bring it about by simple changes in our lifestyles. Refuse to work extra hours for no pay, employers would have to recruit more workers, bringing down unemployment, and pay more because there would no longer be a pool of unemployed desperate for a job. They might even realise that they could have several productive workers for the same cost as one useless manager. There would eventually be a pool of unemployed managers and they could be retrained as workers. Then we would all have more time to shop in small local shops, who usually sell things in brown paper bags thus saving millions of tons of” useless plastic” packaging from going into the environment. However, if we are guilty of an error of omission, there is also a culprit who is guilty of an error of commission, I am, of course, referring to “the man”, the enemy of all that is decent. He is cold, grey, ruthless, controlling, inefficient and totally lacking in morals or ethics. We need to fight “the man” until he is totally destroyed and purged from our psyche then make sure he doesn’t ever rise again. If the people were united and not so apathetic it would be an easy task, but they’re not, so most of them will continue to be controlled; you don’t have to be one of them. Our main hope is to create an alternative. It may well only be a very small minority of us but we can have a better life while the majority destroy themselves. I have been doing it for years, having a good life that is, not destroying myself. But If we can get enough people involved and create a momentum, note the small m, we can make a difference to the mainstream. I have never been afraid to speak out and have been fighting the system ever since I was in secondary school, not that it has ever brought about much change I must confess. But it is immensely satisfying to get one over on the man and the man has never controlled me, probably why I have been sacked from nearly every job I have ever had. Mostly I have been self-employed, I was the only one who would employ me.

It has long been my opinion that most of the things we are expected to accept as truth are in fact lies. It is said that all truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as self-evident. Some of my opinions, which I have held for decades, and until recently have been in the first two categories, are now beginning to be accepted by many and even occasionally the mainstream. So, there is some hope for the people if they can shake off their apathy and prise the cold grey claw of the man from round their necks.

I am especially keen to recruit women, who tend have a bit more about them than most men, and my own generation. Many of us have done very well out of life and I am acutely aware that this has often been at the expense of younger generations. So, I think we have some responsibility for their predicament, having said that I wish they would get up off their arses and fight for their rights, as we did. However, many of us now have the time and money to make a difference. Most people are born with a metaphorical ball and chain. Then they go to school, but they aren’t taught what they need or want to know, they are taught to pass exams, because schools have to look good in league tables and that is measured in terms of exam success. Then they are told they have to go to university if they are to have any chance of success in life. So, they waste 3 years of their lives to get a worthless degree and incur a huge debt, because universities now have to make a profit and they need bums on seats. Many of the graduates then progress to shelf stacking or burgher flipping, some of the luckier ones who have well connected parents end up as interns, where they are expected to work for nothing, supported by the bank of mum and dad. Some of them might just be lucky enough to eventually to get a paid job which will probably also be meaningless and unnecessary.

So, how do we fight the man? First of all, marginalise them, as I said previously shop local not in the large supermarkets. I know it’s not easy but some supermarkets are worse than others, some are Extra bad and have an agenda to destroy the high street and create a monopoly. Try not to use so called professionals you can swerve a lot of them now there is so much information on the internet. Don’t support companies that destroy the environment, treat their workers badly etc. my website will start a whitelist and blacklist. Don’t try to replace the man with an “ism” all of the ism’s support the man we need to overthrow them as well. Basically, we don’t let the man get away with anything, we question and object to everything they try to do. Play them at their own game and remember they have to at least pay lip service to playing by the rules after all they made them. You don’t have to, that gives you an advantage, also you will probably be much smarter and more efficient than they are, you certainly will be if you follow my blog. A lot of what the man does should be illegal but isn’t, however if you fight back effectively it often is illegal and unfortunately, they usually have the law on their side. See my previous blog about justifiable sabotage, but we all know what is right and wrong and if the law is wrong, break it, just make sure you don’t get caught.

Having said that, we know that “The law is an ass”, but I don’t want to get on the wrong side of it. So, if the Old Bill, the man or the Crown Prosecution Service are reading this, as far as you are concerned, I am just discussing abstract concepts here. I am not encouraging anyone to break the law or conspire with me to break the law, so there. Using the medium of my blog and this website I hope to restart the revolution and if I can mobilise enough recruits provide a forum and support for the task ahead. Social media and the internet are fantastic tools for spreading information, increasing awareness and changing public opinion; it is just a pity that they are mostly used for trivia. One has to trawl through a lot of noise to find the pearls. There will not be much noise on this site, but I must confess to a tendency to be a bit long winded, I just don’t like to leave anything out. However, there will be no dumbing down so it will only appeal to a minority but it will be fun.

It may not bear fruit in my lifetime but I am still devoting some of my valuable time, I quite enjoy it actually, and can hopefully leave a legacy. I can think of no more fitting epitaph than, “John started the movement that eventually destroyed the man”. Will it happen? That is up to you.


Things have always been bad in parts of the world but having slowly improved over the years in the UK it is now rapidly getting worse again for most people. The rest of Western Europe is nearly as bad. The US is far worse and most of the rest of the world ranges from very bad to absolutely dreadful. Mankind inherited a paradise and turned it into hell. We are told that we are the 5th wealthiest country in the world but only a very small minority see much of that wealth.

Why are things so bad? Whose fault is it? What can we do to make it better? Read the next post.



Since the loss of my soulmate in January and 2 other major events jolted me out my complacent and comfortable life I have been a bit like a drowning man. I kept coming up for air (wine) but the struggle was tiring me out and I nearly gave up. Thankfully, my strength has returned, and this is partly due to a major issue over which I am fighting “the man”. The determination not to let the bastards get the better of me has made me strong and resolute. It’s a very true saying that, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”, and sorry, I don’t want to make it public at the moment, but some of you know already. Anyway, I have now got over feeling sorry for myself; I have to face the future alone, family and friends have been brilliant, but I’m sure you know what I mean. Fortunately, I am still in a pretty good position, so can’t complain. The main thing I am getting on with now, apart from destroying my enemies, is to declutter; until I have one house, one car and much less stuff. I have been left with about 600 items of designer clothes and a new career beckons, selling women’s clothes on ebay. I reckon if I do them in batches, about a year? It’s worth doing, there must be thousands of pounds worth, then there’s the antiques and pictures.

While I have been practicing the fine art of surfacing, my book, blog and website just didn’t seem important any more, why should I bother trying to save the world? I have come back to my book and realized there is a lot more to do than I thought, I will persevere but will probably concentrate more on publishing the website and the blog. I might even sort of serialise the book on the blog but my priority is to make life as difficult as possible for the man, whenever I get a chance, and to offer practical support to help others fight him. So, I need to get as many people on board as possible. I had one bright idea to help publicise my blog; to make comments on the posts of some of the organisations on Facebook that have a large readership and include a link to my blog. I have done it a few times and now some woman has reported me for spam, I suppose she is right I hadn’t thought of it that way. As it’s in a good cause it’s more corned beef than spam really. Anyway, one last push to make a difference, if it doesn’t work I will retire from it and apart from family and friends the rest of the world can and probably will go to hell. The next post is my first attempt to describe the aims of the organization to go on the website.