Yet again let down by professionals and managers! First of all my apologies, I haven’t even had time to think about my blog, I have been too busy doing the jobs of the above, I pay them vast sums of money, but still have to do their job for them. We have 3 properties all on the same title; we want to put them all on separate titles so we can sell them individually. The local solicitors, who have done all our conveyancing for the last 3 decades, now tell us that there is a strip of unregistered land between our drive and the road and we need to make a statutory declaration to claim adverse possession of it and in 10 years-time it will be ours. Fuck off. About 2 decades ago we had a 2 year legal battle which cost the solicitors indemnity fund about £25 grand to put right over the very same strip of land then owned by our then neighbour because the solicitor who did the original conveyance had bogged up.” No” said the young woman who was now dealing with it, “this is clearly shown on the Land Registry title plan”. When I pointed out that if this was the case then our solicitors must be at fault, she reluctantly wrote to the Land Registry. Two days later we get an apology from the LR and a corrected title plan showing our drive adjoining the road, obviously some manager at the LR had bogged up. I know what to expect from these people, but would most people question solicitors and the LR? Then we have our architect, the first and last time I have used one, this is for the new build across the road, property number 4, we are in the process of claiming from him because his plans were crap. Fortunately, we have a brilliant builder who has worked around them and is still delivering us a fantastic building, my original design, of course. I look forward to the day when we have one property, one car, one bank account and we no longer have to have any dealings with “the man”.          
