What’s in a Name?

Donald Trump next President of the US. Whaleoilbeefoct.

Britain to leave the EU. Whaleoilbeefoct.

Bob Dylan wins Nobel Prize for literature. Whaleoilbeefoct.

I think I chose a good name for my blog. I am not entirely unhappy about the US election result. I am no fan of the man or all that he stands for, but he is the most likely candidate to shake things up; and God knows the institutions and politics of the world need a bloody good shake up. Just like Brexit this result is a protest, against the establishment. Time after time a new government is elected promising a golden age for all, and every time nothing changes; the rich continue to get richer and everybody else gets poorer and has more and more of their rights stripped away. Meanwhile, the Establishment keep on working to ensure that nothing changes the status quo. Probably the last time any government did anything radical and beneficial was the post WW2 Labour government. We have been slowly regressing ever since, although it started speeding up since Thatcher. I am happy that again the establishment have been given a bloody nose along with the overpaid “experts and pundits”. Viva la Revolution!