A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words.


I am sorry that, so far, I haven’t been able give my blog as much attention as I would like; the situation should improve now that I have made a “meaningful start” and secured the planning permission on the latest development project. Incidentally, a couple of weeks ago someone asked what I did for a living so I said “I am a developer”; “with a small p” said Carol, no need to get personal darling.

 Anyway, I am going to try and put a lot of pictures on my blog on future and this is the first attempt. I set out for a walk today with the intention of capturing a good image of the Autumn colours, but it was so grey and cloudy that I have had to use a picture of the fells that I prepared earlier; the sentiments that go with it apply just the same however.

I often think how lucky I am to have The Lakes on my doorstep, especially now most other places are so crowded. Beauty and silence two of the attributes I hold most dear. But now it seems that we are applying for World Heritage status. I sincerely hope we don’t get it; The Lakes would be turned into a theme park and the accountants would move in and start “improving” it so that they could screw every last penny out the visitors. “Pave paradise, put up a parking lot” as the song says.

Also in the news recently is the poor quality of the mobile phone signal, as if it was a bad thing. This is The Lakes for fucks sake it has mountains and unless you put a whacking great mast on the top of each one, with a road and power to it, you will not have a good signal in the valleys; no doubt many would see this as progress. The present coverage is more than adequate and I think there is a very good case for making us a mobile free zone, except for calling emergency services. If anyone can’t manage without a mobile for a few hours or a few days they need to have serious look at their lives. They could still use them for photographing the scenery which will look a lot better without phone masts blighting the landscape. Of course, if we do get the World Heritage status we would then have to have a good signal so that the punters can use phone apps to go from ride to ride. If we destroy something created by man it is called vandalism if we destroy something created by Nature it is called progress.       

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