The C Word.

The countdown to Christmas starts earlier every year and reluctant as I am to be part of it there is one thing you need to do now to be ready. At this time of year blackthorn bushes are groaning with sloes and they make a lovely drink, sloe gin. You have just enough time if you start now to have a batch ready for Christmas, make extra it will improve with age. You need a glass container, an empty gin bottle is fine, rinse it out but don’t use any washing up liquid or soap, just water. Pick and wash your sloes, again just water. Stick them in the freezer overnight to simulate the first frost. Half fill the bottle with fruit and fill up with gin; some say use a good one but I have used ASDA London gin with good results and can’t see the point of using Hendricks or Bombay Sapphire when the sloes are going to overwhelm the botanicals. However, cheap Spanish or Greek gin is only suitable for sterilizing wounds and will not give you a good result. If you have an “export strength” Gordons from a duty free purchase even better. Some add sugar at this stage but the sloes will infuse better if you don’t. Try to invert the bottle daily to aid the infusion process. Just before Christmas strain through muslin, not a Muslim, into a clean bottle and add sugar, in the form of sugar syrup, to taste. This tasting process can make for a memorable evening, although perhaps memorable is the wrong word. Enjoy.  


Setting the Record Straight. Part One.

I know I promised my next post would be an amusing one; however, it has come to my attention there are those who think that I am racist, anti-immigrant and right wing as a result of some of the things I have put on Facebook. I would like set the record straight. I am neither a socialist nor a capitalist, I am not anti-immigration or racist and I care about the plight of genuine refugees. In fact, via this blog, my forthcoming book and associated organization I am trying to make the world a better place. However, the way I am going about it is based on logic, not sentiment, and therefore may not be understood by the conventional majority. Somewhere down the line I will be inviting like-minded people to join me in creating an alternative society so it is important that you know exactly what I stand for. If you agree with me I will be providing a forum for our ideas; if you don’t entirely agree with me but think I may have a point you could do worse than follow this blog and get an alternative slant on life. If you have a closed mind and are not prepared to listen to alternative ideas you might as well fuck off.

I am not the first to say this but I have a dream, I would like to live in a world where everyone was free, equal but not the same, had a roof over their head and enough to eat; were aware of their responsibilities to everyone else and the environment in which we all live and everyone would be able to travel to and live wherever they wanted. Having said that, it will remain a dream while the world population is 7 billion and increasing at the rate of 200,000 every day. Gross overpopulation is our greatest problem and can only lead to more wars, famines and uncontrolled migration on a scale we can only begin to imagine and that will dwarf the present crisis in Europe. When I was a young guy the population was about half of what is now and life was more pleasant, though I thought we were overcrowded even then. If there was a crisis in the world resulting in refugees they would be in the tens of thousands and the rest of the world could accommodate them. For their part they just wanted to escape to a safe place and were happy to go anywhere, they did not demand to go to a particular country never mind city.

I feel very sorry for those who are being bombed, murdered, mutilated, tortured etc. but this is everyday reality for hundreds of millions of people, especially women, and we can’t take them all. What we have done as a country is spend about a billion pounds providing refuge for the above in and near their own countries and from there bringing over here the most vulnerable. This is the best way to go about it and the priority should always be un-accompanied young children. There are lots of people here who would be happy to adopt them and they are much more likely to adapt to our way of life than adults. A word of caution, when their parents and families miraculously find out where they are, as so often happens, they would have no right to come and join them. Therefore, if we can’t take all the genuine refugees we certainly can’t take, potentially billions, of economic migrants. We should bear in mind that all those young men are only here because their families have the most muscle and money to pay the traffickers in the first place, they are not the ones most in need. That’s why they all seem to have smart phones and designer trainers; could this be why Apple have made the latest i-phone waterproof? Even if we needed them should we really be stripping their suffering societies of the able or educated people they need? As for Angela Merkel telling them they were welcome in Germany this is perhaps the most stupid piece of advice since we were exhorted to “go forth and multiply.” I wonder how many thousands of drownings have resulted from that; being welcome in Germany that is, not multiplying. I have been quoted as saying that I would “blow boats full of migrants out of the water”, this is not quite true. What I said was that I could see the day in the not too distant future, if they keep on coming, that The Royal Navy would be blowing them out of the water and we would have a dad’s army of citizens patrolling our coastline. We should certainly not be encouraging them to get into overcrowded unsuitable boats to make the perilous journey across the Med. Why on earth have we started rescuing them near the coast of Syria and taking them on to Italy! So now they all have life jackets and as soon as they see a rescue boat on the horizon they all jump in the water and are taken on to their destination in safety, is that going to discourage anyone from coming?

However, I am not anti-immigration. Throughout our history we have welcomed migrants and this has on the whole been beneficial for the migrants and for us. Most have managed to retain aspects of their previous culture while assimilating into ours; I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect anyone who wants to come and live here to accept and adapt to our way of life and values. It is our stability, democracy and rule of law that help to make us an attractive destination in the first place. There is however one group who will never assimilate, make no attempt to do so and in some cases live off our benefits system while preaching hatred against us. I am sure you know what is coming, I am of course referring to Muslims. After overpopulation Islam is perhaps the biggest threat to our way of life and social cohesion, especially as liberal lefties pander to them in way that is not afforded to any other ethnic group. Why should we allow the steady drip, drip, drip of our laws and way of life being replaced by Islam. I believe in tolerance but not necessarily multi-culturalism, which in practice can be a form of apartheid. I do not tolerate intolerance. We should try to tolerate other cultures but we should not change our laws to accommodate them, neither should we allow practices that many of us find unacceptable such as Kosher and Halal slaughter of animals and women being forced to wear black tents and treated as second class citizens. As I just said I do not condone intolerance and Islam is not a gentle tolerant religion by any stretch of the imagination. Along with Islam come its bedfellows; Sharia law with its automatic death penalty for many “crimes” that are not even considered crimes in our system. Stoning women, never men, to death for adultery, cutting off hands for stealing and flogging for drinking alcohol. Although I must say when I was at school I was flogged for drinking alcohol; the public school system had much in common with Islam in those days. As John McCarthy said when finally released from 5yrs captivity by Islamic Jihad his experience was no worse than going to a British public school. I think nowadays public schools are much better and Islamic Jihad much worse. Then we have quaint Islamic customs like female genital mutilation, throwing homosexuals off high buildings and the brutal barbaric ways they kill their enemies. Flaying alive, i.e. removing all their skin and the latest one dissolving them alive in vats of nitric acid, it makes beheading with a rusty knife seem quite humane by comparison. Almost forgot to mention they also shoot defenceless young girls in the head for going to school. We have developed our rule of law over hundreds of years; it is a long way from perfect but has improved considerably over the years and is as good or better than most others. Why on earth should we allow it to be dragged back to how it was in about AD 1400. But we must not offend Muslims; people who work in the public sector are not allowed to wear crucifixes; schoolkids are not allowed to stage Nativity Plays and yet they are encouraged to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha a Muslim festival marking the end of Ramadan where in Islamic countries they have a mass slaughter of animals often in a most barbaric and inhumane way. We must not offend them and yet Muslim male attitudes, especially to women, offend me daily. Hijabs, burkinis and the way they consider all Western women to be prostitutes. To their way of thinking this allows them to assault and rape women and groom young girls into prostitution, which for a long time was overlooked by those in authority. There are educated, middle class Muslims who are not devout and do not share these attitudes; unfortunately, the vast majority of those young men flooding into Europe are not educated. They are of no use to us, and when people get fed up with political correctness and liberal attitudes towards them destroying our social cohesion we will see a rise of the extreme right and as Enoch Powell predicted, four decades ago, rivers of blood on our streets. As you may have gathered, I am anti-Islam, when you look at what they stand for who could not be? But I am not Islamophobic, it is not a phobia they really are out to get us. They fly aircraft into buildings, suicide bomb us, kill people by driving lorries into crowds, behead aid workers and their religion gives them Brownie points for killing non-believers, i.e. us.

There we have it, so what are the problems caused by refugees and immigration. First of all our country is already grossly overpopulated, we don’t have any spare capacity to take more and the potential numbers of both categories would overwhelm even a much larger country. By allowing freedom of movement within Europe everyone wanted to go to the country with the highest wages; we were a victim of our own success, and if they all came here we would be depriving other European countries of their able and qualified people. We have a huge and growing second population (nests of vipers) whose culture and values are the polar opposite of our own, who are hostile to us and many of whom are terrorists. What do we do about it? We are leaving the EU so that solves one of the problems, those Europeans already here should be allowed to stay. Anyone attempting to enter the UK illegally should be taken straight back to where they came from, and we should make it absolutely clear that anyone who tries to come here illegally will never be allowed to stay. Anyone wanting to settle here should accept our way of life and our laws, which would not be changed to accommodate them, and they should also have to swear an oath of allegiance. This can be rolled out to include those already here. Anyone stirring up hatred against us would be fast tracked for deportation. We should continue to help and accommodate genuine refugees in or near their own countries and allow a small number of the most vulnerable to settle here.

So now you know my views on refugees and immigration. There will be further postings coming soon about other aspects of our society and the promised less serious ones. Please click on the follow button and encourage as many others as possible to do the same. If we can get together a reasonably large band of like-minded, united people it will be much more difficult for “The Man” to exploit us.